Thursday, August 20, 2020

Be Positive




Be Positive

Yes. That is what they profess. Think “yes”, say “yes”, do “yes” etc., etc. Of course looks good on print though, but hard to practice. All the more difficult when you are in one of those moods, down and blue. When saying or thinking “yes” makes matters worse for you to handle. Not to worry. Let that mood pass. Nothing lasts forever. If happiness doesn’t, nor does sadness. So bear with your sadness. Just because someone mentioned that reading a book, listening to a particular genre of music may uplift you, just don’t do it if you do not want to. Sit there and grumble and mumble. How long can you do it? Ultimately a chore, a knock on the door, a phone call, or a Whatsapp notification will surely intrude upon your “sad” state of affairs, and before you know it, you will be out of your blues, and smiling, or who knows, even laughing away to glory.

Life is wondrous, and so also all that goes with it – our heart, mind, body, emotions. It's hard to always understand the reason for our smiles and tears. Let’s not try to. Let these wondrous emotions take their own course. So smile if you want, cry if you must. At the end of the day, you will emerge as a happier, lighter, and stronger person. Positivity cannot be concocted, something which will stay with you forever. So be positive about being positive, till of course you find a reason to grumble!