Sunday, June 28, 2020

An Ode to a sapling

Tiny sapling, standing tall on Mother Earth
You are a little star right after your birth.
Spreading out your leaves, hailing the sky,
While your roots delve deep in far and nigh.

Slowly you will grow into a majestic tree
Blessing all with fruits, shade and such luxuries free
I am in awe with your persona, and lovely sight
No support, no worries, and thriving in your own might.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Pretty Periwinkle



Periwinkle, periwinkle little flower

Summer, winter always you shower,

Colour, joy, love and glee

To every eye that cares to see.

Plant a Pansy

Pansies pansies everywhere
In white, yellow and many a hue
They smile at us, they make us happy
When we are feeling down and blue

So plant a pansy boys and gals
And spread the good cheer,
Gloomy days would bid adieu
Joyful moments would appear.

Hello Hibiscus


Hibiscus in the garden, smiling with glee,

Look at my pretty colour she says,

And take a snap of me,

Share it with your friends,

Brighten up their day

But do not pluck me

Let me with the breeze play